Professional-grade photo enlargement
With the advent of digital imaging, the ability to blow-up images from negatives or slides disappeared. Many valuable shots have been discarded due to the subject being just too small to print. Enlarger PRO gives photographers and picture editors the ability to trim huge sections off digital images and still allow striking full-page print-outs.
Power mixed with class-leading ease of use
Enlarger PRO is remarkably easy to use, yet offers incredibly powerful photographic enlargement. Just select your input image, select an output file-name, choose your enlargement factor and click the "Process" button and Bearded Frog Enlarger PRO will do the rest.
Obviously we can't invent detail which does not exist in the input image, however, we are able to use our revolutionary algorithms to keep sharp areas of the image remarkably sharp, and also retain the texture and feel of more subtle areas.
Below are some examples of the output available from Enlarger PRO compared with traditional enlarging techniques Note that the images below are ACTUAL input and output images without re-sampling, retouching or telling lies. We would suggest that if you are comparing these images with those found on our competitors' web sites, you should download both products and do a true side by side comparison.
200% enlargement
Even at 200% enlargement, the differences are visible, traditional enlargement, is already showing enormous amounts of pixelation and is already unusable for any real application requiring quality. Bi-cubic enlargement is also starting to look poor, the output image is looking grainy and softer around the edges in comparison to Enlarger PRO.
400% enlargement
At 400% enlargement the differences are unmistakable, the edges are far sharper using Enlarger PRO, which is still showing no sign of blurring. The edges are clearly more defined, and the image looks much smoother and cleaner. When printed out at 300 DPI, this image still maintains the qualities of the original image, even on close inspection.