Download the trial version:
Minimum PC requirements:
- Pentium class or greater processor
- Minimum 256 Mb RAM
- 4 Mb Free disk space
- Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7
Minimum Mac requirements:
- G3 class or greater processor
- Minimum 256 Mb RAM
- 4 Mb Free disk space
- Mac OS 10.4 or higher.
Though it is recommended that you have more memory for working with larger files or scaling factors.
The download version is a fully featured, working version, however all files created before purchase will have a watermark image merged with them.
Download the Windows version.
Latest build: V3.0.3, 17th January 2006
Download the Mac version.
Latest build: V3.0.3, 18th January 2007
Buy the unlock code:
Enlarger PRO is available now for the price of $39, tried it? love it? Then click on the "Buy Now" button below and you'll be taken to the secure site of our payment provider. Our servers will then generate a code for you.